When Things Go Wrong
As with anything else in life, things can go wrong from time to time.
We are only human and we all make mistakes, but here at MAP we do our utmost to look after clients as best we can. If there are any issues or problems which come up, we do our best to resolve them as soon as possible and keep clients happy.
It’s for that reason that we have retained the Investors In People award since we started in 2009.

We undertake regular client satisfaction surveys and work to improve on any issues which are flagged up, plus all staff undertake regular training to ensure they know what they are talking about. In short, we genuinely care for our clients.
If anything goes wrong, the Financial Ombudsman Service is available to sort out individual complaints which clients and financial services businesses aren’t able to resolve themselves. To contact the Financial Ombudsman Service please visit http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/.