Insurance & Protection
MAP can provide peace of mind for you and your family through affordable insurance.
Sometimes life can take a turn for the unexpected. Whatever circumstances life throws at you or your loved ones, make sure you are protected and therefore able to deal with them.

There are various types of protection policies available; each with a different purpose. To decide what insurance to put in place, each person must decide what they value enough to want/need to protect, and also what they can afford.
Never underestimate the importance of such plans because of the consequences of going without them:

Could you live without the financial support your loved ones provide, or vice versa?

Could you afford to raise children or pay a mortgage plus the regular bills without any income coming into the household?

Could you afford the funeral costs of a loved one if they were to pass away suddenly?
Simple everyday things should not be taken for granted. Otherwise they could quickly become unaffordable and no longer everyday.
Protection plans come in many shapes and sizes. There is normally an affordable plan to suit everyone. MAP’s job as independent financial advisers is to review clients’ circumstances and recommend what plans are most suitable, or check existing ones are sufficient. We can search the entire market to find the insurance best suiting your needs, and at the most affordable price.
We also understand people’s circumstances change through time, which has a knock-on effect to their financial requirements. Existing policies need reviewed through time – some could get modified, others added to, and some cancelled. Also, the cheapest option for someone could be different from one day to the next. For these reasons, we regularly review client’s insurance, to ensure they remain adequate at all times and as affordable as possible.

For more information, click on the most suitable link:

Decreasing Term Assurance
Critical Illness Cover
Whole of Life Cover
Family Income Benefit
Relevant Life Insurance
Private Medical Insurance
Income Protection Insurance
Accident, Sickness &
Unemployment Cover
Buildings & Contents Insurance
Key Person Insurance