Investing to get something like 14.51% a year

December 29, 2021

When anyone advertises fund performance the Financial Conduct Authority lays down the ground rules that this must reflect a minimum of 5 years otherwise it would be all too easy to quote a performance that is the proverbial flash in the pan.   What the regulator is looking for is some kind of reliable indicator of performance over a period and that’s why they specify a minimum of 5 years. 

Bear in mind that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and you might not even get back your own money.    

When MAP does any investments for clients, we pick a range of funds, so that we can hope that any value falls are compensated by other funds where value gains.   By taking a spread of funds you are attempting to reduce the risks involved.  Furthermore we monitor the funds used on an ongoing basis and if a fund is not doing what it is supposed to – then we get the clients permission to switch and we then put that money into another fund that does perform.      We are continually reviewing the funds used and only keep clients in half decent ones.

We would say that there are two important things to do when you invest money and this is 1.  Always take a spread of funds and 2.  Always review the funds used.    If you do these two things on an ongoing basis then we believe that you will get the most out of your investments and just to show you what I mean, our portfolio over the last 5 years achieved growth of 72.57% and that is equivalent to 14.51% p.a.     The FTSE 100 over the same period grew by 29.80% which is a flat rate of 5.96% p.a. – so what would you rather have ? 

MAP does all the background work – so that you don’t need to.


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