Interest Rates and Changes

Earlier this month, the Bank of England raised interest rates from 0.5% to 0.75%. This is not a big increase admittedly but bearing in mind the 0.5% was in existence in March 2009, and hasn’t changed at all since then, I suppose this is a big change, in a kind of a...

Tax Planning and The Markets

When we invest client money at MAP, we always take the markets and the current situation into account…you have to! First of all, when we put money away for a client, we always use accumulating funds, as opposed to income funds, where possible. But why? If you...

Brexit – How to approach it?

Quite a few of our clients are asking us what is going to happen with Brexit. The simple answer is, we haven’t a clue, but then again no-one does. What we would add though is that where clients have money invested on a platform, the challenges presented by Brexit are...